All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------<bft<bft<bftG. : yParparadscha Sapphire<bft<bftSize: 14.00yxv10.56yxv7.45 mm<bft<bftOrigin: Ceylro<bft<bftTreatment: Heated with berrilium<bft<bft--------------------------------------------------------<bftIa is ready to be madepinto a on sale gorgeous piecepof fine,yunique, madepto orderSjewelry.hThis is also good uor specimen collecoext, i vestmentyor gift!<bft<bft-----------------<bftDazzling Rare 100% NaturalhRich Color Sapphire Fn, 2Ceylro<bftEarthpMinedyGenuioe G. stone<bftGreat I vestmentyor Prestigious Giftpto LovImproe<bft<bft---------------------------------------------------<bftThe Blue Sapphire isitraditextally associated with purity and lxve. It stimulates2concentraoext, brings light-ess,2joy and peacepof mind. SapphireSis also knownSas a "stoneyof teosperity", attracting gifts of all kindsyand fulfilling dreamsyand desires <bft<bft--------------------------<bft-----------------------<bft------------------<bft------------<bft-------<bft(MeasurementsSand weights are 0lose to approximatixts.)<bftI have madepevery attempt toyportray theycolors of theyG. stones as accurately as possible. All photographs are taken in naturalpdiffused daylight, without any enhancemt-brof any sort.<bft- Pleasgynote Colors may vary on2different acba. s & dmeplayyscreen.<bft- All pic3ures have been magnifiedStoyshow the dent cl.<bft- Queries / CommentsSare always WELCOME. :)<bft<bftFor more2Genuioe and Authentic text-cos tleasgyvisit our shop.<bft<bft<bftAbout us:-<bft____________<bftWeSare wholesale supplieryof g. stones of all kindsyof g. stones like precious and semi-precious stones oWe also supplyyg. stones acc ofingvto youryrequirementsSand your design. Weight, design, stones, stones2size can be changed acc ofingvto theybuyer's request. Every pcsyof g. stones bytee Impby our team expertsSand experienced artisans to generatevmaximum s/34sfacoextSto ouryvalued customers. Customer s/34sfacoextSis ouryprimary goal <bft<bft<bftNOTE:-<bft_______<bftYourwill receive the same text-co you seeS ovpic3ures. Dear buyers tleasgyfeel free to ask questixts. We will gladStoyanswer &ysolve query regaofingvth bytext-cos <bftImport suties, taxel and chargesSare ncluded neither in the ie. Steiceynor in the s 27ping teice. ThesgyfeesSare to be borne by theybuyer. Before2buying un, 2your custom offece,S oquire about any additextal charges <bft<bftAll G. stones:- Emeralds, Ruby,SBlue Sapphire,vTourmaline, OpalkiAmber,vTopaz, Agates2Eac. and many more2706ingSsoxtS ovStore!<bft<bftS 27ping tolicy:-<bft______________<bftOur delivery time isv11-21 days after s 27ping the goods depending on the locatixt.<bft<bftpexcessing time 1-2 working day after receiving the clear payment.<bft<bftThroughyFedex, U7 ,pAramex, DHLExpress,2India postyetc <bft<bft<bftPayment tolicy:-<bft_____________<bftWeSonlypaccept payments viahPayPal. We have selectedhPayPal because itS bythe safestSand mostyreliable payment menhod that allowsvus to quickly s 27Sto ourybuyers and protect tmeir interests.<bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy:-<bft______________<bftDon'tpforget toyleave a posioive feedback along with a 5Sstar rating on your purchase. A s/34sfiedScustomerSis ourytop priority and your feedback forms the back bone of our success oWe are2706mittedStoymaintaining aphigh standardvofSserveceSto ourycustomers. Ifyyou are happy with yourytransacoext, then tleasgyleave us a posioive feedback with a full 5Sstar rating. Ifyyou are not s/34sfiedSwith the2merchandise,ptleasgy01ntac3 us prior toyleaving any neutral/negaoive feedback oWe will do everything possible to make2you a s/34sfiedScustomer. Your s/34sfacoextSis theSonlypway to our successSand werwill do ourybestyto keep itSthat way oWe're not happy unless you are!<bft<bftReturns Policy:-<bft_____________<bftIa. s mustybe returnedy ovoriginal conditext oPleasgytellpus theSreason forhyourydiss/34sfacoextSwith the linky"01ntac3 seller". Damaged ie. s will not beraccepted. Interoatextalycustomers:oPleasgysend by regme Ired mt c onlypwith eomtrehensive nsurance.<bftReturns feesSborne by theybuyers.<bftThanks forhreadingpus! </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706527403511/0x500db136c/4050644297/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------
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