Smartphone Holder Art on sale on Smartphone Smartphone stand art on smartphone holder Smartphone montirati umjetnosti na smartphone
Smartphone Holder
Art on the smartphone
A precious "garage" for your precious smartphone. Two that simply belong together!
The two sides of the bracket are deliberately designed opposite.
The practical side offers the secure storage of the smartphone on a technically stable shelf.
The artistic side, the smartphone man, should be thought-provoking with her soulful hand carving:
The @ sign weighs heavily on this person and makes him lonely. He, in turn, does not notice this, because he is busy looking into his smartphone.
A meaningful gift for smartphone owners and art lovers.
Lovingly handmade in time-consuming
A practical work of art that requires you to make a decision every time you use it: art or technology?, depending on which side you turn forward.
The @ and the base plate are made of the oak wood of an ancient wine barrel, which was no longer suitable for its original task.
The smartphone man is composed of different branch sections of a plum tree and the face has been lovingly carved by hand.
Smartphone holder
Art on the smartphone
A precious "garage" for your precious smartphone. Two who just belong together!
The two sides of the bracket are intentionally designed oppositely.
The practical side offers the safe storage of the smartphone on a craft-stable shelf.
The artistic side, the smart-phone man, should be thought-provoking with her soulful hand carving:
The @ sign weighs heavily on this person and makes him lonely. He does not notice that because he's busy looking at his smartphone.
An ingenious gift for smartphone owners and art lovers.
In time-consuming manual work was lovingly made
A practical work of art that requires you to make the decision every time you use it: art or technique, depending on which side you turn to the front.
The @ and the base plate are from the oak of an ancient wine barrel, which was no longer suitable for its original task.
The smartphone man is composed of various Astabschnitten of a plum tree and the face was lovingly carved by hand.
Držač pametnog telefona
Umjetnost na pametnom telefonu
Dragocjena "garaža" za vaš dragocjeni pametni telefon. Dva koja pripadaju zajedno!
Dvije strane konzole su namjerno dizajnirane suprotno.
Praktična strana nudi sigurno pohranjivanje pametnog telefona na polici koja je stabilna.
Umjetnička strana, čovjek s pametnim telefonom, treba promišljati svojom razboritom rukom:
Znak @ jako teži toj osobi i čini ga usamljenim. On to ne primjećuje jer je zauzet gledajući svoj on sale pametni telefon.
Genijalan dar za vlasnike pametnih telefona i ljubitelje umjetnosti.
U dugotrajnom ručnom radu radilo se s ljubavlju
Praktično umjetničko djelo koje zahtijeva od vas da odlučite svaki put kada ga koristite: umjetnost ili tehniku, ovisno o tome na kojoj strani se okrećete prema naprijed.
@ I osnovna ploča su iz hrasta drevne vinske bačve, koja više nije bila prikladna za izvorni zadatak.
Čovjek s pametnim telefonom sastoji se od raznih Astabschnitten stabla šljive, a lice je s ljubavlju isklesano rukom.