509 Amethyst obelisk on sale of approx 189 mm tall and weighs 298 grams . Great warm color and perfect point make it a powerful healer.
509 This is an amethyst obelisk of approx. 189 mm tall and weighs 298 grams . Great warm color and perfect point make it a powerful healer.
Ever a guiding light to psychic practitioners and a beautiful crystal for use in jewelry besides, Amethyst is both popular and powerful.
It can awaken you to higher wisdom and connect you to guidance from beyond the physical world, but it's just as effective as a stone for physical healing too. As well as soothing headaches and joint pain, Amethyst also has an aura of tranquility about it.
Because of this, it's a good crystal for stress relief, and for stopping your mind from cycling through the same handful of worries over and over again, disrupting sleep and concentration.
Crystals of various rocks and minerals can crystalize either instantly or over a short or extended time like several thousand years depending on the mineral and the environment in which it occurs. Obsidian for instance forms crystals instantly but only while cooling down from liquid and molten volcanic material. Quartz is usually considered to be the parent mineral of obsidian so we can naturally assume that all varieties of quartz, crystalize or form the same way---wrong. The spring water clear quartz crystals form only in conditions, which are sterile of other outside forces like other minerals adjacent and no excessive pressure from overburden of overlying rock layers on sale or by the slightest of movements. Other varieties of quartz require different environs to do their thing. Some of the quartz family, such as amethyst, citrine, black, smoky, rose, green or any other shades of these colors form beautifully colored crystal clusters when forming in close proximity to other minerals or metals.