9 original plates of Botanique - Color lithographs of the 19th century - Atlas of France plants - Ideal for on sale decorating a wall
9 original botanical plates in chromolithography
Provenance: Atlas of the Plants of France by A. Masclef, 1893
Boards in good condition. Cream colored paper. Plants predominantly green. Fresh and bright colors.
Dimensions of the boards: 23 x 16 cm.
Ideal for decorating a wall and greening your interior.
- Dioecious on sale nettle (Urtica dioica)
- Perennial mercurial (Mercurialis perennis)
- Anserine Bon-Henri (Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus)
- Reflected amaranth (Amarantus retroflexus)
- Globular vulgaris (Globularia vulgaris)
- Germandrie botryde (Teucrium botrys)
- Vulgar Brunelle (Brunella vulgaris)
- False ivy (Glechoma hederacea)
- European Lycopus (Lycopus europaeus)
Do not hesitate to visit the botanical section of my shop to discover our selection.