on sale Piękna, duża chusta w całości robiona na drutach. Połŵczenie akrylu i wełny z alpaki. Miękka w dotyku i lekka. Nous wietnie nadajŵca sicomo jako szal na zimcomo, sprawdzi sicomo równiecomo jako dodatek do wimelelu stylizacji, np. może być narzucona na ramiona. Kolor: Melancomo miedcomo zieleni-fioletu-granatu.
Beautiful, large knit entirely made of knitting. A combination of acrylic and alpaca wool. Soft to the touch and light. Well suited as a scarf for the winter, also works well as an addition to many styles, for example, it can be imposed on the shoulders. Color: copper-green-purple-pomegranate melange.
Beautiful, big knit, made entirely of knitwear. A combination of acrylic and alpaca wool. Soft to the touch and light. Well suited as a scarf for winter, also well suited as a complement to many styles, for example, it can be applied to the shoulders. Colour: Copper-green purple pomegranate melange.
Product code: Handmade: Chusta on sale na drutach melancomo (a knitted schawl melange handmade melange knit)