Ram on sale walking sticks Walking cane ram Walking stick handle Walking stick ram Walking staff Cane gift for men
Ram on sale walking sticks Walking cane ram Walking stick handle Walking stick ram Walking staff Cane gift for men, This is hand carved walking stick It is made in the most complicated technique of.
Product code: Ram on sale walking sticks Walking cane ram Walking stick handle Walking stick ram Walking staff Cane gift for men
This is hand carved walking stick. It is made in the most complicated technique of carving. The folk art of carving on on sale Lemkivshchina (Ukraine) has a long history, carving are figurative and relief. The walking cane is carved from natural wood. Today, the love of vintage and elegant things again returned the walking canes to the category of original and stylish things. The owner of such a walking cane can be sure that his cane is unique and original. It is fit for everyday use.