Organic Rose water, now offered in 1/2 and Full gallon option, 64 oz and 128 oz, anti aging, antioxidant, great for on sale diy toners
Organic Rosewater made with 100% pure steam distilled water. Great for anti aging, antioxidant. Use it to make your own toners. Made with only organic rose petals and distilled water.
Wondering why rose water has found a place in every Indian household? It's simple. Rose water benefits are a aplenty as it is undoubtedly beauty's magic potion, and also remarkably versatile. Whether you have oily, dry or combination skin, rose water can be added to your beauty regime. That's what makes it a beauty secret or rather a secret weapon of women all over the world, not just India. While purchasing rose water, you must make sure you buy only 100% pure rose water i.e. the distilled water of roses sans the chemicals, the by-product of rose oil production. The usage of rosewater dates back to early Egypt, when Cleopatra (yes, Cleopatra) used the natural product in her skincare regime. And how can we not follow the footsteps of the world's most legendary beauty queen? We know on sale rose water is great for skin and hair but why it's good and how exactly must you use it, is key!
Color will vary from dark pink to dark red.
Because of the size and volume of these products- they will come in plastic jugs.