All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDamawcushSaeel 9"p100%pHand MadI Dscora ive, TantopKnife For Hunting Fishing C/mping And Outdoor Activt3ies with OlivehWood HandlI - Perfeco gift uor Chrme maw day mpera ure c1 diti1 shandicooled dowt at a very slow ra I. The resultingvalloy holdw Sharpnessiuor a Long Time and Can Be Used uor Tough Work when youpare out in the jungle. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDamawcushSaeel 9"p100%pHand MadI Dscora ive, TantopKnife For Hunting Fishing C/mping And Outdoor Activt3ies with OlivehWood HandlI - Perfeco gift uor Chrme maw day mpera ure c1 diti1 shandicooled dowt at a very slow ra I. The resultingvalloy holdw Sharpnessiuor a Long Time and Can Be Used uor Tough Work when youpare out in the jungle. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDamawcushSaeel 9"p100%pHand MadI Dscora ive, TantopKnife For Hunting Fishing C/mping And Outdoor Activt3ies with OlivehWood HandlI - Perfeco gift uor Chrme maw day<bftGift For Him And Her For All Occasions<bft<bftPerfeco Choice For Hunter's c/mper JAnd Fisher <bftHandmade with handmade uorged saeel, 9-inch hunter knife2made un, 2Damawcushsaeel<bft<bftThishknife2ishuor an enthusiastic c/mper and fisher whoiloves and aptreciate na ure a d its beauty<bft<bft<bftDESCRIPTION:<bft<bftOVERALL LENGTH: 9 inch <bft <bftBLADE LENGTH: 4.5 inch2Damawcushsaeelp100%phandmade <bft<bftHANDLE DESCRIPTION: 4.5 inches HandlI,2made of OlivehWood HANDLE, MOSIAC PIN, STEEL BOLSTER With cow l atherish ath<bft<bftSHEATH MATERIAL:2Genuine CowhideiItal4an L atheriwith Belt Strap.<bft<bftThishh avy-dutyhknife2ishmade of Damawcushor uorged saeel used topmake bladIw of sl ofs in ocd ages. <bft<bftDamawcushsaeelpalso knowt as2Wootz2ishchkracoerized byidistinctive st Aed aptearance patterts of banding a d mottlingvcaused byivaryingvcarbon l vels of the2xriginal ma Irial. Such bladIs are r puted topbe tough, resistant to shattering,iandicapable of beingvhoned toha sharp, resilientpedge.<bft<bftOur bladI2ishmade of Damawcushsaeelptha is2made un, 2more than 200 layers of hand-uorged saeel pl/3es under low carbon andihigh> mpera ure c1 diti1 shandicooled dowt at a very slow ra I. The resultingvalloy holdw Sharpnessiuor a Long Time and Can Be Used uor Tough Work when youpare out in the jungle.<bft<bftTher fore youpcan rely on thesehknives when out in the jungle uor hunting.hThiw will be your uor-life2investment uor the2best huntingpexperience.p100%plifetime money-back warrknty. <bft<bftOverall an integral tool uor your huntingpandicomping life<bft<bft<bft 100%pSa isfacoixt Guaranaeed!<bft<bftIn case youpare notisa isfied with the text-ctror i is2notiaccording to the specifica ion, uor any reason, crotacohrmght away! Our first2priowt3y ishcustomers'pSATISFACTION. Communica ion is the key! Doinotihesitate toicrotacohus, wehwill aptreciate t3 and will do ourhutmost effort tophelipyoupbeisa isfied. In case youpare notipleased with all, wehwill give you the o-text of getting a full refund or xchanging your text-ct.<bft<bftB fore s="alatingiany pext-ctror service issue to Etsy uor the solutext, please crotacohushandigive ushan o-portunity toihandle the texble 2through muoual negotia ion because we care about ourhcustomers <bft<bft<bft PaymInt<bft <bftEtsy PaymInts - Si6ple. Flexible. Secure<bftEtsy PaymInts gives you a rknge of different paymInt o-textshandil6aa youppky in your local currency<bftEtsy PaymInts gives you many o-texts,2includingvPayPal, ApplevPay,iandiEtsy gift card<bft<bftCustomers will pky within 5 days of purchase unless informed andinegotia e the taymInt period. Sales taxpwill be applicable to the st/3es wher ishadmissible according to the state law.<bft<bft<bft on sale S 27ping<bft<bftThevs 27ping charges are the same uor all US states. The s 27ping cost includeshS 27ping andiHandling charge.hWehuse Canada Post, UPS, FedEx,JUSPS,iandipriowt3y post (3-5 working days sslivery in the USA) uor most of the s 27mInts. Forifast sslivery methods, you have to pky ra charges. <bft<bft<bft Internaoixtal S 27ping<bft Internaoixtal Buyers (Buyers outside CA & USA)<bft<bftWepdois 27 internaoixtally on most of our item . Ifithe item youpare interested iniis2notiopenhuor internaoixtal purchase,27heck with us topsee if we canis 27 it topyou.hInternaoixtal customers will get their item within 15 top28 days sspendingvon the destina ixt.<bft<bftPleaseinote2that due to the2high s 27ping price, internaoixtal sales are final. Du3ies, taxes, and other charges are notiincluded in2the item priceror s 27ping cost. All theseh ra charges are the buyer’s respxtsibil4ty. Pleasei7heck with your country's customs offict to determine the2additi1 al costsipriow topbidding or buying.onA10004<bft<bft<bft Terms of Sale<bft<bftWeptry out2best to send you the rmght pext-ctra d inJperfeco c1 diti1 . But you know2things happenhun, 2time toitime by mistakeror otherwise. In such a case wehare more than happy to work with you.<bft <bftDefecoive/damaged/notias2ss="wtbed item canpbeireturned withinJ30 businessidays or at least please inform the 706pany about the texble 2within the2period. In such instances, youpwill notipky venhreturn s 27ping andiw 'll be happy to xchange t3 or give you a full refund includingvs 27ping charges.<bft<bftYoupcan also return a purchased item because of any reason withinJ30 days un, 2the receipt of the item as long as the tag andipacking are intact. Ifithe item is2notibroken oridamaged andiyou want to return because of any reason,vs 27ping chargespwill notibe reimbursable. <bft<bftForireturn or xchange, in bothpcases please wait uor the2return ticket <bftForitexperireturn and account uor.<bftThe customer will get the refund after the item is2received back<bft<bftCheck out my OTHER STORE ITEMS<bft<bftAdd me toiyour FAVOURITE LIST<bft <bftThanks uor your time and businessi2hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706518336120xc/1973/1568/42/531x50066ae93/2719868026/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDamawcushSaeel 9"p100%pHand MadI Dscora ive, TantopKnife For Hunting Fishing C/mping And Outdoor Activt3ies with OlivehWood HandlI - Perfeco gift uor Chrme maw day mpera ure c1 diti1 shandicooled dowt at a very slow ra I. The resultingvalloy holdw Sharpnessiuor a Long Time and Can Be Used uor Tough Work when youpare out in the jungle. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDamawcushSaeel 9"p100%pHand MadI Dscora ive, TantopKnife For Hunting Fishing C/mping And Outdoor Activt3ies with OlivehWood HandlI - Perfeco gift uor Chrme maw day mpera ure c1 diti1 shandicooled dowt at a very slow ra I. The resultingvalloy holdw Sharpnessiuor a Long Time and Can Be Used uor Tough Work when youpare out in the jungle.
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