On sale Specimen Bareroot 'Avatar Nuevo' Air Plant (Tillandsia jalisco-monticola x Tillandsia rothii) BRTSP1221C
In meeting the parents....
Tillandsia jalisco-monticola is native to Jalisco, Mexico, extremely gorgeous, and produces thick, paddle-like bloom spikes. Plants have stiff, structured leaves that can grow 12-14" long (plant height 8-10").
Native to Jalisco, Mexico, Tillandsia rothii has curly leaves that grow downward to form a large, spherical mass. First described in 1976, Tillandsia rothii is believed to be a cross between Tillandsia roland-gosselinii and Tillandsia jalisco-monticola, it produces a stunning display of color from the vibrant green, a yellow-green, to different hues of red-orange to red. The variance in color is responsive to the amount of light received and during bloom. Plants will grow up to 12"+ wide/tall.
1221C size is ~6" high and ~15" wide (starting to blush)
*You will receive the exact plant selected per pictured item. Plants may or may not have dried end or broken leaves or be in bloom. These Tillandsia are ready to ship. Product can be customized with a wire hanger or grapewood piece - they are sold "as is".
Green, long, numerous, triangular, curly leaves form a large rosette. Plant will blush to a light or deep red-orange during bloom and may retain color properties in brighter light. Leaves will mature around 8-14" long and plant up to 12" in height. Offspring have the tendency to grow larger than either parent plant, but is not guaranteed.
Orange to red bracts usually with white to violet flowers
Low to high humidity. It will usually tolerate indoor levels without difficulty, but prefers a more humid environment. Grows best in 50-80 degrees F and will tolerate as low as 40 degrees for a very short period of time. Needs good air circulation.
Bright indirect light. Try to avoid North-facing windows due to lack of sufficient lighting.
It is recommended to thoroughly mist every 2-4 days or soak every week to every other week up to 10 minutes at a time. Decrease watering if the humidity levels are higher. Gently shake the plant to dislodge water then place upside-down on absorbent material until the leaves are thoroughly dry. Soggy leaves or overly damp crown/base may encourage leaf drop and disease. Decrease water in winter.
If you choose to fertilize, use a balanced fertilizer ever 1-3 months. It is advisable to on sale use a epiphyte fertilizer mix or a general-purpose fertilizer diluted to 1/4 of the directions.
This plant is not considered toxic, but should not be consumed. Plants are shipped with light wrapping and padding according to import/export regulations. Shipping usually occurs on Monday and Tuesday to minimize risk of damage to plants in transit. You may request shipping Wednesday - Friday provided your understanding the live-arrive guarantee is void. USPS First Class mail is offered, but not suggested - warranties are void due to extended time in transit and contents not being insured. Prior to shipping, please contact the shop with questions or concerns and familiarize yourself with the shipping policy in FAQ section. Pot, driftwood, or grapewood in images not included.