Punisher Sheng Biao Set, on sale Pro XL Rope Dart and Throwing Knives. 5 meter Rope, Kunai, and Lucky Knot Tassel Tail in hues of Orange and Black.
The Punisher Sheng Biao Set... XL Punisher theme Rope Dart with 2 smaller throwing knives and nylon carrying case. The dart on sale is based off of Punisher designs, but orange and black instead of white and black. It is hardened stainless steel and very sharp so please don't touch the blade with bare hands. The rope is 5 meters long, orange gold with a butterfly double loop handle that cinches and releases with ease; It is diamond braided polypropylene and nylon blend, paratrooper quality... very light, but very strong. The rope will float on water, but it is essentially plastic, so it will melt with flame or extreme heat. The tail of the dart is a nicely made and reinforced lucky knot and tassel, also made from nylon for durability. The throwing knives are smaller versions of professional style designed thowing knives, well balanced and made from hardened steel as well with matching orange lanyards.
If you don't have a lot of experience, you may leave the sheath on, take out the throwing knives, and wrap the dart in plastic wrap for practice. Please do not practice, especially with the bare knife, unless you are in a safe place with lots of room and know how to use it well... it will be razor sharp and very dangerous, especially this bigger one. There are a lot of instructional videos online, tricks are easy and impressive.