Sheep in the Shade Primitive Rug Hooking Kit with #8 cut wool strips by Sharon Perry on sale (not latch hook)
This listing is for a complete rug hooking kit designed, assembled and sold by Sharon Perry. This kit, my own original design, is suitable for the beginner or seasoned rug hooker. It comes with the following:
100% wool fabric strips cut in #8 (1/4")
A color photo of the finished piece along with the color key
Pattern drawn on cotton monks cloth sealed at the edges to prevent fraying
Easy to follow rug hooking instructions
Cotton rug binding to finish it off on the back once you have it hooked
The only other items you will need are a hook and a frame to keep your pattern taut. I started off with a quilting hoop and did several rugs on that before spending more money and getting a floor frame. I have a Morgan no slip hoop listed in my shop which would work very well with this kit. As for the hook I have listed hardwood and steel primitive hooks for $12.00 but if you choose the option to buy this kit with the hook the price is reduced to just $7.25. This kit when completed measures 8 X 19 inches and would make a great wall hanging especially over a door or window frame. It would also look great as a table runner or bench topper.
The sheep are hooked with oatmeal heather, soft gray and charcoal. The tree is done with over dyed chocolate, dyed green and a few specks of red. For the background you on sale will receive hand dyed rusty mustard. For a finishing touch I added two rows of the same chocolate used in the tree around the outer edge of the finished rug.
To see a demonstration of this craft please see my daughter's website, to find instructional videos and tips for beginners as well as more kits, patterns, etc.
If you are interested in my finished hooked rugs for sale please see: